Gluten allergy symptoms or is it something else?

Gluten allergy symptoms is a term that is often applied to say symptoms of gluten intolerance and celiac disease, which is an autoimmune disease.
Then we will bring some clarity to this issue as much as space will allow.
First you must know that the allergy is a high sensitivity to anything that would not be a problem to most people.
A gluten allergy is a reaction of the immune system in a matter of hours or minutes to eat any food containing gluten.
The symptoms of this allergy should include the following:
1. Hives
2. Asthma
3. Abdominal cramping
4. Nausea and vomiting
Many people who have this condition as a child would be too great.This is an allergic reaction.
However there is another condition known as gluten intolerance, which is often confused with gluten allergy. This is a more serious condition that do not have similar symptoms to gluten allergy symptoms. In fact there will be no symptoms after eating the gluten to much damage has already taken place.
In this case, the walls of the small intestine are damaged and thus the ability to absorb all food is compromised.
Then you've got symptoms of gluten intolerance whenever you consume foods with gluten. These symptoms include
1. Constipation or diarrhea
2. Swelling
3. Nausea with or without vomiting
As the inner wall of the small intestine are damaged the symptoms will get worse because your bowels will not be able to digest the nutrients from your food, even when you do not eat gluten-free.
Then port in its wake malnutrition and all that goes with it, including immune system problems, brain, skin conditions and disorders, to name just a few.
In this type of situation, symptoms may include the following:
1. Diarrhoea
2. weight loss
3. Constipation
4. Offensive stools
5 Abdominal Cramps and bloating.
Symptoms in children include:
1. Distorted or stunted growth
2. Distended abdomen
3. migraine
4. poor appetite
Celiac disease is characterized by symptoms that are similar to those mentioned above for gluten intolerance, and may also include severe skin reactions. Celiac disease the body over reacts to gluten-free dining in such a way as to cause damage to the villi, which are the bumps like fingers in the intestine that absorb nutrients from food. When these are damaged there is malabsorption progressive to the point that all foods are not able to be digested, not just gluten-free foods.
How can suspect, not being able to absorb nutrition from food and can lead to severe problems. Unlike gluten allergy reactions, this is not out grown and worsen.
A test for celiac disease can indicate that you do not have celiac disease, but in many cases there is gluten intolerance, or as some tend to say, gluten allergy symptoms. Medical science is still trying to figure it out.
You may feel that based on the results of celiac negative you can go and eat barley and wheat, rye and oats. Don't take that chance!
It is believed that in this case the gluten intolerance can become celiac disease. In the meantime, you should eliminate all traces of gluten from your diet.

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